NSP II Dissemination

  • Ackerman-Barger, K., DeWitty, V. P., Cooper, J., Anderson, M. R. (2020) An innovative approach to advancing academic success for underrepresented nursing students using the collective impact model, Nursing Education Perspectives, 41(5), 299-300.
  • Allan, J. & Aldebron, J. (2008). A systematic assessment of strategies to address the nursing faculty shortage. Nursing Outlook, 56(6), 286-297.
  • Allan, J. D., Crowley, C., Ports, S. M. & Aldebron, J. (2010). Developing a Statewide Solution to the Faculty Shortage in Maryland. Journal of Nursing Regulation,1(3), 15-19.
  • Allen, K.D., DiBartolo, M.C., Welsh, D.L., & Brown, V. (2015). Design of a medical triage evidence-based clinical management protocol and implementation of medical triage on-line training for use by Mission of Mercy volunteers. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 32(4), 218-230.
  • Beroz, S. (2017). A statewide survey of simulation practices using NCSBN simulation guidelines. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 13(6), 270–277.
  • Beroz, S., Schneidereith, T., Farina, C., Daniels, A., Dawson, L., Watties-Daniels, D. & Sullivan, N. (2019). A statewide curriculum model for teaching simulation education leaders. Nurse Educator, 45(1), 56–60.
  • Buckley, K., Idzik, S., Bingham, D., Windemuth, & B., Bindon, S.L. (2019). Structuring Doctor of Nursing Practice project courses to facilitate success and ensure rigor. Journal of Professional Nursing, 36(4), 206-211.
  • Burgess, A., Buc, H.M. & Brennan, J.M. (2018). Using a complex patient management scenario to help bridge the education-practice gap. Nursing Education Perspectives, 39(2), 116-118.
  • Burgess, A. & Medina-Smuck, M. (2018). Collaborative testing using quizzes as a method to improve undergraduate nursing student engagement and interaction. Nursing Education Perspectives, 39(3), 178-179.
  • Busch, D.W., Silbert-Flagg, J.,Ryngaert, M.R. & Scott, A. (2019). NAPNAP position statement on breastfeeding. National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners, 33(1), A11-A15.
  • Busch, D & Silbert-Flagg, J. (2018). Opioid use dependency in the mother who desires to breastfeed her newborn: a case study. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 32, 223-230.
  • Cirelli, J., Clymer, B., Burgess, A., Aguilar, J., Bell, T. & Goodstein, M. (2018). Evaluation of nursing school educators' knowledge and attitudes regarding infant sleep safety. Nursing Education Perspectives, 39(4), E7-E13.
  • Cooper, J. & Zimmerman, W. (2017). The effect of a faith community nurse network and pubic health collaboration on hypertension prevention and control. Public Health Nurse, 34(5), 444–453.
  • Danner, M. & Preston, L.C. (2014). Development of accelerated options in an associate degree nursing program. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 9(2), 80-83.
  • Daw, P., Seldomridge, L., Ford, K., & D’Aoust, R. (2021). Increasing Faculty with CNE® Certification: A Statewide Initiative, Nursing Education Perspectives, 43(1):63-65. doi: 10.1097/01.NEP.0000000000000924. PMID: 34897203.
  • Daw, P., Mills, M.E. & Seldomridge, L. (2021). The Maryland Nurse Support Program II: A Program Evaluation of Faculty Workforce Initiative, Nursing Economics, 39(2), 78-89.
  • Daw, P., Seldomridge, L., Mills, M.E. & D’Aoust, R. (2021). The Maryland Graduate Nurse Faculty Scholarship: Program Evaluation of a Nurse Faculty Workforce Initiative, Nursing Economics (Accepted for publication)
  • Daw, P., Seldomridge, L., Battistoni, S. & Belcher, A. (2018). Increasing the number of nurse faculty with doctoral degrees: Outcomes of the Maryland nurse educator doctoral grant program 2013-2018. Nursing Economics, 36(5), 213-218.
  • Daw, P., Mills, M.E. & Ibarra, O. (2018). Investing in the future of nurse faculty: A state-level program evaluation. Nursing Economics, 36(2), 59-66, 82.
  • Daw, P. & Terhaar, M. (2017). Program evaluation of a nursing workforce intervention: The Maryland Nurse Support Program II. Nursing Economics, 35(1), 14-20.
  • Flagg, J. & Busch, D.W. (2019). Utilizing a risk factor approach to identify potential breastfeeding problems. Global Pediatric Health, 6,1-5.
  • Hall, N., Cabrera, K., Hammerer, K. (2024). Adding Diversity to Simulations for Prelicensure Students in a Nursing Program. Nurse Educator, 2024.
  • Hall, N., Klein, V., Betts, K. & DeRanieri, J. (2018). Speaking up: Fostering "silence breaking" through leadership. Nursing Management, 49(6), 51-53.
  • Hall, N., Seldomridge, L., Freda, K., Jarosinski, J., Reid, T. (2020). Salisbury University: Maryland Advanced Faculty Academy and Mentorship Initiative. The Maryland Nurse News and Journal.
  • Hinderer, K., DiBartolo, M.& Walsh, C. (2014). HESI admission assessment (A2) exam scores, program progression, and NCLEX-RN success in baccalaureate nursing: an exploratory study of dependable academic indicators of success. Journal of Professional Nursing, 30(5):436-42. doi: 10.1016/j.profnurs. 2014.01.007
  • Hinderer, K., Jarosinski, J., Seldomridge, L., & Reid, T. (in press). From expert clinician to nurse educator: Outcomes of a faculty academy initiative. Nurse Educator, 41(4), 194–198.
  • Jarosinski, J., Seldomridge, L., Reid, T. & Hinderer, K. (2020)." Learning how to teach" in nursing: Perspectives of clinicians after a formal academy. Nurse Educator, 45(1), 51-55.
  • Jarosinski, J., Seldomridge, L., Reid, TP & Willey, J. Nurse faculty shortage: voices of nursing program administrators. Nurse Educator, 2021. doi: 10.1097/NNE.0000000000001139.
  • Jeffries, P., Rose, L., Belcher, A., Dang, D., Hochuli, J, Fleischman, D., Gerson, L., Greene, M,Jordan, E.,Krohn,V., Sartorius-Merganthaler, S. & Walrather, J. (2013). A clinical academic practice partnership: a clinical education redesign. Journal of Professional Nursing, 29(3), 128-136.
  • Johnson, A., Freda, K., Seldomridge, L. (2020). Lead Nursing Forward.org Website Addressing the Maryland Nursing Faculty Shortage. The Maryland Nurse News and Journal
  • Klima, D., Hinderer, K., Freda, K., Winter, D. & Joyner, R. (2014). Interprofessional collaboration between two rural institutions: a simulated teaching laboratory paradigm. Respiratory Care Education Annual, 23, 45-48.
  • McCloud, M.B. & Barosso, J. (2021) Experiences of Pregnant Women With Obesity, Nursing for Women's Health, 25 (3), 179-186 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nwh.2021.03.004.
  • Mills, M.E., Hickman, L.J., & Warren, J.I. (2014). Developing dual role nursing staff-clinical instructor: A Partnership model. Journal of Nursing Administration, 44 (2), 65-67. (Appendix A).
  • Moore-Hebron, A., Darden, S. & Hinds-Jackson, D. (2018). Genitourinary complaints in young adults: A sheep in wolf's clothing. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 14(10), e217-e225.
  • Nahm, E.-S., Archibald, M., Mills, M. E., Costa, L., Warren, J., Nair, P., Price, R., Kirschling, J., Doyle, K., Tyler, K., & White, R. (2023). Continuum of Nursing Education and Practice: Time to Close the Chasm Between Academia and Practice. Journal of Professional Nursing, 46, 134-140.
  • Nahm, E. S., Mills, M. E., Raymond, G., Costa, L., Chen, L., Nair, P., Seidel, K. K., Day, J. D., Murray, L. M., Rowen, L., Kirschling, J., Daw, P., & Haas, S. (2021) Development of an Academic-Practice Partnership Model to Anchor Care Coordination and Population Health: UMNursing Care Coordination Implementation Collaborative. Nursing Outlook, available online ahead of print January 6, 2022. ISSN 0029-6554.
  • Nahm, E. S., Zhu, S., Seidl, K., Chen, L., Day, J., & Seong, H. (2023). Real-World Data for Interdisciplinary Health Care Research: A Case Example. ANS Adv Nurs Sci. https://doi.org/10.1097/ans.0000000000000496
  • Obizoba, C. (2018). Mitigating the challenges of objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) in nursing education: A phenomenological research study. Nurse Education Today, 68,71-74.
  • Perry, N., & Koharchik, L. (2014). Impact of faculty development sessions to increase faculty competency with supervision of medication administration in an associate degree program, teaching and learning in nursing. ScienceDirect 9 (1), 37-42.
  • Persaud, S. (2019). Addressing unconscious bias: a nurse leader's role. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 43(2), 130-137.doi: 10.1097/NAQ.0000000000000348
  • Rawlett, K., Friedmann, E. & Thomas, S. (2019). Mindfulness based intervention with an attentional comparison group in at risk young adolescents: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Integrative Medicine Research, 8, 101-106.
  • Reid, T., Hinderer, K., Jarosinski, J., Mister, B. & Seldomridge, L. (2013). Expert clinician to clinical teacher: developing a faculty academy and mentoring initiative. Nurse Education in Practice, 13(4), 288-293.
  • Roderick, M., Speroni, K., Stafford, A., & Seibert, D. (2017). Pilot evaluation of isolation patient's perceptions on ability to identify types of health care workers when wearing isolation gowns. American Journal of Infection Control, 45(3), 324-326.
  • Seldomridge, L. A., Hall, N. J., Jarosinski, J. M., Reid, T. P., Hauck, B. P., & Payne, B. (2023). Preparing New Clinical Educators: 10-Year Outcomes of a Hybrid Program. Journal of Nursing Education, 62 (12), 701-705.
  • Smith, N.M. & Satyshur, R.D. (2016). Pediatric diabetes telemedicine program improves access to care for rural families: Role of APRNs. Pediatric Nursing, 42(6), 294-299.
  • Snyder, B.L. (2018). Women with dissociative identity disorders who experience intimate partner violence. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing, 56(5), 26-32.
  • Snyder, B.L. (2016). Women's experience of being interviewed about abuse: a qualitative systematic review. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 23(9-10), 605-613.
  • Warren, J. & Mills, M. (2009). Motivating registered nurses to return for an advanced degree. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 40(5), 200-207.
  • Willey, J. A. (2013). Viewing eCare through nurses' eyes: A phenomenological study. (Order No. 3578023. University of Phoenix). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, 144.
  • Webster, D. (2019). Lights, camera, action: Lessons learned from a nursing and theater collaboration. Journal of Nursing Education, 58 (6), 369-371.
  • Westerfield, H.V. & Stafford, A.B. (2012). Patient's perceptions of patient care providers with tattoos and/or body piercings. The Journal of Nursing Administration, 42(3), 160-164.

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Annotated Code of Maryland, Education Article § 11-405. Nurse Support Program Assistance Fund , [2006, chs. 221, 222.,2016]


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NSP II Project Director's Meeting: October 16, 2020

NSP II Project Directors Meeting: December 13, 2019

NSP II Project Directors Meeting: June 24, 2019

NSP II Project Directors Meeting: March 8, 2019

NSP II Project Directors Meeting: June 24, 2018

Salisbury University Awards Ceremony: April 25, 2018

NSP II Project Directors Meeting: June 16, 2017

NSP II Project Directors Meeting: October 2, 2015